Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have my adrenal operation done in Oxford ?
Yes! I am very happy to see new patients either as a private referral or as a NHS referral (your GP can use a system called 'Choose and Book' to make the referral).
Do I need a referral ?
It is much better to have a clinic letter with a summary of your condition and results of the tests done so far so that I can plan what further investigations you need to have in Oxford.
What is the waiting time to be seen in clinic for an initial appointment ?
I run a weekly private clinic so no private patient should wait more than 1 week. For NHS patients the usual waiting is up to 6 weeks but if the condition is urgent (as deemed by a referring endocrinologist) you can be seen within 2 weeks.
How soon can I have my operation ?
Availability of the results from all necessary investigations and the need to have your condition well controlled on medication are the main factors affecting how soon we can proceed with the operation.
Can I choose to have a keyhole operation?
The type of operation needed is decided based on the size of the tumour and its potential for being cancerous or not. Majority of patients have a keyhole adrenal operation.
Can I trust that you have the experience needed to do this operation
Absolutely! To date I have performed over 500 adrenal operations, many of the patients having been referred from outside Oxford region. This extra-teritorrial referral is based on a long-standing reputation reinforced by excellent outcomes of the patients referred by fellow surgeons or endocrinologists.